Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lesson Plan

I feel very confident in me and my partners lesson plan. We have done this before in other classes and two brains are better than one. We had good ideas and we also agreed on the whole topic. We were a little confused as to what all you were asking for but for the most part the assignment was self explanatory.

The only thing that I would have done different in this class would be not having so many assignments due at once if they were difficult. For example like journal entries plus a discussion plus a blog all due at once.Other than that everything else was great.

In this classe I have learned how to use a blog and how to input music and videos in a presentation.I have also learned how important technology is in the classroom nowadays. It is critical to a successful classroom.Students nowadaysas so technology smart that any other way would bore them. Even grading systems and lesson plans must be inputed thru some type of computer program. Everything has become computer friendly so it is a must for teachers to be technology educated.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

video games.

I think that educators should try to implement technology in lessons at least three times a week. When children are involved and entertained, they tend to grasp the idea of what its being taught.
In my opinion Instant messaging and chats are very successful because it depend solely on individual involvement. I do believe that there are benefits.. to text based communication as well as face to face learning both have their pros and cons but both can be very supplemental.
I do not think that using podcasts increase learning. why? becaus ethere is no interaction. All students do is watch a teacher over the internet which tends to get very boring. When there is no hands on learning majority of students fail to pay attention.

Video gaming does aid in studying it builds knowledge, people tend to learn and grasp info more by actually doing something and It also teaches self regulation.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Personality type

My personality type is ENFJ extraverted intuitive feeling and judging. I am a person that dealw with things according to how you feel. People focused with good people skills. All for the love support and a good time to others. Well organized and fun to be with.

In my opinion, I do think students have different learning styles, some visual some auditory everyone has a certain way that they can learn most effectively. Giving students this test and using it in my classroom will result in me knowing my students better as well as finding the best way that they learn. All of this will enanble the student to be more successful in the classroom.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


1.Spreadsheets are used for record keeping. They were designed to replace paper based systems.

2. Some advantages of spreadsheets are that they are easy to use and they will calculate any equation entered in either one or every cell, it is also used to present information or illustrate diagrams.

3. The three functions of spreadsheets are: storing- numerical information can be inserted into a cell and can be found whenever desired. Calculating- spreadsheets calculate numerical info in any combination of cells. Presenting- showing info through a variety of charts and graphs.

I think spreadsheets are very supplemental in different types of work, whether it be adding up numbers are making a presentation. I think it is a easier more organized way to do things as well.

If I was a math or a computer teacher, I would make sure that my students were comfortable with using spreadsheets, but as a gym teacher (what I want to be) I will still incorporate spreadsheets in my classroom by using it as my grade book and class roster.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


What interests me about inspiration the most, is that it helps with structure writing, it helps you transform work/writing into polished presentations, it is easy to use and as you type in your ideas it gives you specific images that can go along with your lesson. Of course I WOULD USE INSPIRATION IN THE CLASSROOM. IT SEEMS LIKE IT IS A TOOL THAT WOULD REALLY HELP IN TEACHING ESPECIALLY THE VISUAL ASPECT. Inspiration also helps with structured writing, a task that many individuals have a heard time getting the hang of.This will make teaching easier as well as more accurate , detailed and easier to understand.

The type of activities that would make the best use of technology in the classroom are powerpoints. If you give a student a writing assignment ad tell them to present it in a powerpoint. They not only have to write, but they have to use a computer and be computer literate in order to do the assignment. Meaning technology must be used to complete the assignment as well.

Students can peer review other students writing assignment and give constructive criticism. Sometimes that works best because students can relate to each other and it is easier to listen to someone your age.

Yes, I believe that you can use technology tools to support feedback, for example, To give the feedback you could have the student create a blog and post their comments on their blog and have students read and comment.

The first time that I had to teach a topic was two summers ago. I was a summer camp counselor for fourth graders. I was given the task of teaching them how to write a how to paper. I knew how to do that, but it was way more difficult to teach it and be precise at what I was trying to say. A lot of times it is hard to transfer your thoughts into words to get someone to understand, but after I did it a couple of times I began to get the hang of it.

Monday, February 1, 2010


My opinion On blogs is that they can be very useful in all aspects. Whether it be educational for classrooms or at jobs or for other things. It is a great way to communicate and its something easy to do. Now a days there are numerous ways to communicate such as facebook, twitter etc, but with blogs it is more professional. The use of blogs gives you the opportunity to post information about certain subjects as well as following and reading other peoples blogs. In chapter 6 the book talks about the use of expert learner, teacher and student blogs. There are certain blogs and ways to get information across with the use of blogs.With blogs you can have students or employees create a presentation on a certain subject, or even create a group blog. A blog can also be an easy way to get the opinions of indiviuals. In my opinion a blog is a useful way to display information in all aspects.


Hello class, My name is LeOndria Nicole Morgan and I am a junior at Texas A&M Commerce. MY MAJOR is Kinesiology and I plan On getting my masters in Occupation therapy. I am the Only child and I am a member of the choir, NAACP and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. I was brought up in a family that always stressed the importance